Michele Vrabel

I am...

Living my life. Walking my path.
Telling my storyies.

About My New Book

Coming in 2025

I was called to write my story out of reckoning my past abuse, swimming the high waters of my present divorce and betrayal, and trusting my wounds to my King for my future. Closing the gaping wounds in every area of a broken life: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and moving forward with the discernment not to repeat the cycle. Allowing myself to say it out loud.

What my readers are saying

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
"Michele Vrabel writes as she lives, with a heart for and with her reader. Her story is compelling, honest, and true, and I cannot wait for her book to help bring beautiful things to many, many people.She is a gift, and her storytelling is too."
“Our stories in life are what paint a picture to who we are and who we become . Michele is one of the most truly unconditionally loving people . When you get to be in her circle you get ALL her love. Fully and freely. I like to think she is a little piece of heaven here on earth, Full of laughter, joy great conversation and true friendship.  I’m beyond thrilled to read the intricate stories in her life that stitched together and made the amazing person she is. “

No Spam, I Promise
