May I Have a Word?




  1. simple elegance or refinement of movement.
  2. the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
  3. a divinely given talent or blessing.

For approximately ten years now I have inquired of my Creator the word He would have for me for the upcoming year. He and I have dispensed with subtlety, and He is very clear about my word and how the lessons are going to roll. Each word has brought tremendous growth; mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

My word for 2024 is Grace. I am a geek and I love the multiple meanings of words.

The ultimate meaning being the amazing grace my Savior has poured out on me. As the definition states, the free, unmerited favor of God. The joy of my salvation.

I have been the recipient of extravagant grace and am left with no other honor than to extend that no matter how I feel about what is and has happened.

As a woman, I love the first definition. It speaks to how I should carry myself. The term “simple elegance or refinement of movement” is imbued with femininity.

Both definitions should be evident in my character by words, actions and demeanor.  I look forward to the experiences and growth that will evolve in the coming year.

I cannot recommend enough how having such a deep relationship with Jesus can lead to hearing His heartbeat…and words over your life.

I would love to hear if you receive a word. Send me your name, state and your word and I will pray for you weekly.

IG: @sweetartbyshelly

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